Manage Category

Managing your Categories 

Welcome to your new menu experience! the information below will help to get you up and running with the your categories.

Logging In

To login please use the account details provided in your welcome email .


If your details are correct you will be presented with a screen that looks like the one to the right.

On the right you will see text ,just press on categories management and then your categories management should pop up.

Know for you to create a category your going to press on a green box with the words “create category” that’s next to a blue box that says “all categories” and that will take you to create your category.

Creating your Category 

You can go ahead and select the “menu” that your using.

After you’ve done that go ahead and pick a name, description and image you want to use.

After you have completed the above, make sure the “Active” button is green.  If it is in red it will be hidden from your menu.

After you’ve done all this please press on the green box in the left corner that says “create” and with that you have created your category